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Doing things differently, this E1 is a Patreon exclusive, and I'm planning on playing both of the top two games in the poll, just out of order. What the other game is... I guess you'll have to wait and see!

December Bonus Video 3/4


Infinifactory E1 - Prisoner With A Jetpack

Edited by: Noarsy BONUS VIDEOS: https://www.patreon.com/aliensrock COMMUNITY: https://discord.gg/aliensrock LIVE STREAMS: https://www.twitch.tv/aliensrock


Will R

This is such a good game. If you're getting minecraft vibes, Infiniminer (also Zachtronics) actually inspired minecraft's blockiness; it and minecraft are more like siblings. Feels more accessible than some of the other zachlikes, in the same way Opus Magnum does, but optimizing is still challenging. Still holds up 8 years later, and likely will do forever

Michal Maršálek

Hello Tyler, this is my all time favourite game and it actually made me subscribe to your Patreon!