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Frostpunk has only a couple of episodes left before its series finale! If you are in the Nominating Tier or Voter Fraud Tier only, you have 7 days to send me a game nomination in Patreon's DMs for the next series. That way, we can hit the ground running as soon as Frostpunk ends.

Here's a list of games I've played to help with nominations: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1C7NFAiQpI2eGYnpUv78h5fqjrx3EuRsJ6sFkoi1tP3c 

The nomination deadline is June 19th, can't wait to see what games you nominate!



pls slay the spire


If he liked squishcraft, fractal factory is from the same developer


he's already played it, there is a playlist for it in his yt