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Hey everyone! It's been a while since we last introduced a character for URAGONER, but today we're thrilled to present Mayumi Howe.

Meet Mayumi Howe, a dedicated police officer who is deeply familiar with the city's heavy reliance on private military companies. She can't help but notice their pervasive presence, from the heavily armed guards on the streets to the sleek, formidable armored vehicles patrolling the city. While Mayumi acknowledges that their presence has undeniably reduced crime and enhanced safety, she can't shake a nagging sense of something missing.

Mayumi has always been an adrenaline junkie, yearning for the days when the police force took the lead in maintaining law and order. The monotony of desk work, drowning in paperwork and reports, has left her longing to be out in the field, confronting danger head-on and making a tangible impact.

It's crucial to understand that Mayumi holds immense respect for the work carried out by the private military companies. She recognizes their exceptional training and skills, acknowledging their unmatched expertise in their field. Nonetheless, a part of her can't shake the growing impression that they are slowly encroaching upon the traditional role of the police, leaving her with a sense of being left behind.

Mayumi's story is just one example of the complex dynamics at play in URAGONER, where characters grapple with their place in a transforming world. Stay tuned for more exciting updates as we delve deeper into their experiences and journeys!



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