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Hey there, it's Kuso, and I'm excited to share some updates on the characters in our game. While Bantam is working hard on improving the game's performance, I wanted to give you a glimpse into some new and previously unseen characters.

Let me start with Kormi, our latest addition. Kormi's real name is Szentgyörgyi Szeretlek, which is a mouthful, so we went with Kormi instead. It's actually a common name for black cats in Hungary, and we found it adorable. Kormi is a drone operator who favors the AK family of rifles, and she used to be a part of a special forces unit, as you can see from their logo on her uniform.

Kormi Initial Sketch

Kormi sprite as it exists right now.

Tentative drone design, not final

Kormi Unit Patch

Moving on to Mayumi, an older character we've created but never got a chance to showcase. Mayumi is a police officer in a cyberpunk world run by mercenaries, and she is fed up with everyone's nonsense. You can see the tiredness in her eyes, and she carries two revolvers and a taser for non-lethal applications. Mayumi practically lives at work, which is why she wears flipflops.

Mayumi's appearance has gone through a bit of an evolution since her original concept. Initially, we imagined her as a former soldier with a distinct Vietnam War aesthetic, complete with a light machine gun. However, we found that this didn't quite fit with the current overall look and feel of the game, so we pivoted and redesigned her as a police officer.

But who knows what the future holds? We may decide to bring back some elements of her original concept, perhaps even her Vietnam War-inspired look, as we continue to develop and evolve our game. So stay tuned!

And last but not least, we have an update on Max, who needed a revamp to reflect her wild spirit. Her design now features mismatched shoes, unkempt hair, and asymmetrical thigh highs. She also wears an apron to reflect her current job as a fast-food worker, but deep down, she longs for adventure.

Stay tuned for next week's update, where we'll dive into the Church of the One True Path and their role in the story. Thanks for reading!