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Kuso has designed Anyas first alternate outfit that will be implemented in the full game! We are referring to this design as Snow Touch. He has a few words about the new design.

SIDE NOTE! We are working on the trailer to everything we've been working so hard on, we think you will like what we've done so please stay tuned for that very soon!

Today I'd like to talk about Anya and her design. While Eri took several months, even years, to iterate, Anya's design was something that sort of evolved throughout the development process. Essentially, we wanted a melee unit to complement Eri’s ranged role.

Anya took a few hours to design, and we ran with the first design that came to my mind. No iterations because Bantam took one look and said “Yeah, that’s good. Publish it.” I loved it too, so we published it right away.

Because of how quickly we settled on a design, we ended up flip-flopping quite a bit on a few things. First, her hair. Should they be layered, or should they be flat? Should her side bangs go all the way down to her chest, or end at the sides of her face? How long should her ponytail be? It just kept growing the more we showed her. Then there was the issue of her kneepads. Some art showed her having kneepads; others didn’t. We argued for a while whether or not she should have kneepads. Then there’s other things like her shoulder armor which eventually disappeared, and then her grenade belt. We learn as we go, and we learned that things that might look cool in static images might be a nightmare to animate.

The biggest thing I wanted to change in her design was the colors. While I still like her original color set, I felt like it could be a bit more striking the way Eri’s outfit is, while still maintaining the same motifs as her original design.

So here is what I came up with: Anya now has white hair which she dyes pink. A proper headset instead of the Stax SR-Lambda, with a throat microphone and a radio it attaches to. She has a bodysuit underneath, similar to what Eri wears giving some semblance of a uniform within Uragoncorp. All while maintaining the cybersamurai theme we had planned for her.

This will be the first alternate skin for the Uragoner girls, with a few more coming soon. We also intend to release this as a free bonus for everyone who subscribes to our patreon before the demo launch. We hope you like it as much as we do.

Stay safe out there




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