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Voice acting has been brought up a few times during development and we want to know what you think. Do you want voice acting in the game?

If you have any alternatives please leave it in the comments below!

Poll will close 5pm Sunday 15th September EST



Voice acting would be cool, but potentially ambitious. Perhaps pulling a method similar to Girls Frontline with a few standard lines for each character, some status based ones for dying/damaged/healing/reloading/etc. and maybe more for story/sex/etc. Could also get behind an idea of talking sfx like mentioned above how VA-11 Hall-A does it, but it could prove tricky to fit in some cases throughout the game in varying scenarios (battle/sex/number of characters).


In my professional opinion, voice acting will SEVERELY clamp the amount of 'content' you can put into the game and introduce a huge amount of operational friction into the content you do have. You will feel its ball-and-chain holding you back from writing extra scenes that would otherwise be a snap to add. You'll want to write a few extra sections into your main/central-storyline but you'll groan and say, "Ahhh, but getting that voice-acted is going to be a struggle, we already recorded!" or "we don't have the time!" Getting voice-acting "locks" a scene into permanency, meaning you now have to clumsily write around it if there's a plot hole or characterization inconsistency. Partial solutions like only voicing H scenes or main events just end up feeling weird and inconsistent and will almost certainly add less to the project than the extra cost and friction is worth. At the very most I'd be up for callouts/battle dialogue and then maybe sexy SFX (a loop of breathy moans can add a lot to an H-scene without a single proper spoken word, and you can actually find audio like this for sale for open use or custom commission for an extremely reasonable price, if you know where to look!), but unless you receive an absolutely ludicrous amount of cash (and despite the strong support and interest in this project, I would not currently describe it as 'ludicrous'), I think it's better to make the best product you can without it at all.