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I'm sure it will go great




Hanners face in that last panel is life 🤣🤣🤣

Jim Feldman

Careful, Hanalore has the "wierding voice"

Ace of Hearts

she is likely a parasocial nightmare online

Joseph Bonnar

Dora? Do you want to be the one to push Hanners into releasing the virus? https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2443

will davison

Geeze, that was a throwback. Remember when all the characters looked like that? Remember Faye at CoD? Wait… comic in 2013 about releasing a virus about 5 years later… Jeph KNEW!


It's also funny because the previous strip to that one, also released ~10 years ago, mentioned Marten's complacency/coasting through life. Dora: "Basically just do the opposite of whatever Marten does and you'll be fine." Faye: "God bless the boy, but at this rate he's gonna wake up one day and be 40 years old and not know what happened." Meanwhile the other half of the current plot is him finally breaking out of that ditch


We won't know what happened either, because by the time Marten hits 40 it will be 2174 and civilisation will be underwater.

Steve H

Ultra mega super happy fun time friend.