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whoops, messed up speech bubble tail in that last panel. Will fix tomorrow.




🎶“You’re not going to mess my shop!” 🎶


Aren't they at least going to ask who he is...? Or is the song supposed to convince them that he's in some way the Cubetown real estate authority 😅

Sarah Roberts

I admit seeing the speech bubble mess up made me look back at the previous panels to see if I missed something. Then i saw it was incorrect.


🎶He is the very model of a modern Gecko realtor, 🎶He disagrees with Moray (you might say that he's not feelin' her), 🎶So if you want to rent this space with him you shall negotiate, 🎶This human-AI haggling is something he'll appreeeeciaaaaate


What IS that thing the original speech arrow was coming from?

Kyle Rudy

So this is a scam, right. This gecko is a scam artist.

Michael Chui

Can't help but notice the gecko did not answer the question of, "How much?" Not really a good sign for fair dealing.

Robert Heinig

True. Musicals are the embodiment of pure unadulterated evil.

Daryl Sawyer

Note that Disney specializes in animated musicals... or they used to, anyway.

drone r0m-3

Can't wait to see a Tik Tok video of this.