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Ah but technically space comes from physics... allegedly.


Ayo is great so far. I know Jeph will develop this character as he has so many already, and no matter what it'll be interesting because this world always is 💚

Greg Morrow

It's almost as if there's a room about to open up in Hannelore's apartment building.

Thomas A. Dennis

"I'm from Iowa. I just work in space."


Technically, everyone is from space.

Yonatan Zunger

It feels very appropriate that Ayo's name has the phonetics of something you would say to indicate stress and frustration, because I foresee a lot of that in several people's near future.

Some Ed

Ayo, ayo, ayo! Whosa yousa talkina about? Do yousa think I normally talka like this? Io non sono italiano! To be honest, I normally go for more of an ARG! Maybe it's because I'm a programmer, I'm always looking at the args.