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these guys!!




Wait was there a timeskip i can’t remember?


Are there property taxes in this world? Can Marigold afford this house? What does a house cost?

David Durant

Much as I miss Marigold I'm not psyched by this. Calling your friend / boss your "meal ticket" even in jest is really shitty, even for someone like May (who was getting less mean). Previously Momo was insisting on paying back Marigold for her second body and now I guess we assume she just bought a 3rd one for her outright? What does that do to their friendship dynamic? It's great to be able to pay off all your debt and buy a huge shiny new house but Marbear's just a sweet kid and I think this is going to hurt a lot of her relationships.


Is this a dream?

Brent Ward

After the "eat your butthole" streaming thing. Claire gets the job offer from Cubetown right after the skip.

W H Sparkman

Lovin' the tube top

Zak Reichle

May is dedicated to the Tube Top, that's great 😂


Burger Oni is making BANK apparently


That’s my guess. Dream, VR fantasy/nightmare, AI hallucination…. Guessing it’s one of those


That's a lot of house!


I am wondering why an AI might need to do yoga, outside of the meditative elements I mean. Maybe the newer models have self healing myomers and thusly can build muscle/sculpt their bodies through exercise? Also tall Momo is absolutely a mood and I am here for it

Alex Rahr

And a lot of house means a lot of cleaning to do. You wonder if the hangers-on do it or if there's a cleaning service.


Think you might be overthinking it, Marigold insisted that Momo not worry about paying her back for the body because she's her friend and Companion AI. It's not absurd to think that if Mari can do something for her literal best friend, she will spare no expense.

Gary Walker

2 questions: 1) what does Momo get out of yoga? b) are the gaming rooms organized by genre, platform, or amount of yaoi?

David Durant

I don't think it's anything to do with physically changing the chassis. My assumption is it's part of Momo's routine to help her get fully synchronized with driving her new body.

Jared Kolbly

Why does this feel like it's not going to end well? With May trying to keep everything together until she can't take it anymore.


Walking on someone's yoga mat with your shoes on,


Oh man. If there is a tall, adult Momo, could there be a tall sexy Winslow?

Mad Marie

So…when I read this strip, I assumed that the yoga practitioner is not Momo but a random entourage member picked up somewhere along the way—and May calls them “Tall Momo” because they have the same color hair—which of course would get annoying after a very short while if one is not Momo.

Mad Marie

(Just sayin’ what I assumed on first read—maybe it is indeed Momo after all.)

Zak Reichle

I find this extremely plausible, and it would mean I could technically still be correct about Momo hooking up with Sven.

Mad Marie

9:53 AM


Okay, now you’re going too far with a tall and sexy Punchbot. Also Melon has always been sexy!

Orion Rhine

I want to commission Tall Momo X Smol Momo please.

Scott Vogel

For a moment I was like 'Did I miss a post?'. Then realized Jeph loves to do these 'time skips' every so often.


Beefcake Pintsize is definitely a violation of the Geneva Conventions.

Zak Reichle

Is the tall sexy Winslow going to be with Hanners? Edit: I think it's a safe bet that Pintsize and the Bro's have an open relationship.


@Zak Reichle • 🎱 points to most likely.


Now I wonder if Momo kept or even upgraded her ability to electrocute anyone else at will in this new form? Can she still shoot out live eels?


Just noticed Momo appears to have toes, which hasn't been the case for most bots we've seen. She's going all out on human-standard! (With the requisite number of holes?)

Zak Reichle

I hope she kept the ability to discharge enough power to defend herself at least. Unfortunately I would think she may need it at some point. As far as the eels, I think that went away with the swap into her second chassis and I don't see Momo wanting the feature.


Was anybody else reminded of the film “Mon Oncle” by Jeph’s namesake Jacques Tati? A very slow film to today’s standards of course, and very tame humour, but funny nevertheless. “Oncle” visits his rich family who have just built a house filled with incomprehensible modern gardgets.

Daryl Sawyer

Plot: Cubetown is currently engaged in a temporal experiment that is out of control. By the time Claire and Marten get back to the mainland, Alice Grove will have started.

Gary Walker

Theory: Momo is now tall Momo because she is on a Sven hunt.

Zak Reichle

I'm picturing Pintsize as Richard from gogetaroomie, before meeting watch.

Sleepy John

"Haven't seen her, non-junk May."


Do you think May's tube top matches Tall Momo's hair on purpose?


looking forward to Oni’s Burgerhaus gossip on Dexerto


In order to correct the problem they recruit Emily to convert Pintsize into a time machine. Moray gets lost in the past and accidentally seeds all life on earth. The universe collapses when Marten creates a paradox by throwing up and headbutting his grandfather in the crotch. Far-future Claire, now known only as "The Timebrarian", arrives to prevent the experiment from ever beginning in the first place. Due to Emily's modifications only Pintsize remembers any of it, and nobody believes him.


So Mar is streaming sims now? Love it!!


“Have you seen my trunk, toothpick Momo?”

Mad Marie

Thank you for not being literal with the page title.


It's just the one two-month timeskip as far as I know (from after the Burger Oni and Mommymilkers stream). We just haven't looked in on Marigold et al yet.

Daniel Blom Paulsen

This page was 100% an excuse to draw hot robot girls, and you cannot convince me otherwise.


It took a while to become that. Jeph even terminated his first attempt at a robo-centric story https://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=269 because he couldn't get it to go anywhere. Assuming that Momo has been cute rather than hot up until this moment, the first hot robot girl to make an appearance was Bubs, and she didn't show up until #3003.

Clifton Royston

Anyway, I had been wondering what happened to these assholes. Kind of figured they'd have a house by now, but not this kind of house.

Jim Feldman

seems like yoga is only something a human would need

Gary Walker

Ian, that’s simultaneously brilliant and something I feel dirty for enjoying. 🤣

Gary Walker

I said this and there was a really well considered reply about embodiment above.

Gary Walker

Cut to Brun and Millie in bed.


Meh, I thinks it's just how she calibrates her gyroscope and accelerometer.


Cuddling platonically!! (Or romantically, but Brun is canonically not that into sex, so I don't really imagine them boning down)


I want to present an alternate theory that Momo took up yoga to help Marigold, since it's probably more beneficial if she can practice in between classes, and maybe she just finds the movements soothing. ...Come to think of it, we've seen that Beeps has a very "organic" morning routine which she earnestly says is about the ritual, so maybe it's the same for Momo and yoga.

Stephen Wells

Brun canonically found plain vanilla heterosex rather uninteresting, but she masturbates enthusiastically. I suspect Millie would absolutely be able to light her fire.


@Stephen Wells • The last time someone tried to light Brun’s fire, her employment bar went up in flames.

Gary Walker

Thank you Miyaa. for necro-posting to my personal ship. :D YOU ARE NOT ALONE, MY SISTER!