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thicc millefeuille




If you thought "AIs in athleisure" awoke something in this fanbase, just wait til you meet "AIs in adorable PJs."


Well that’s a fetish I can add to list, last week it was living statues.

Captain Button

Where is the "Bots Gone Wild!" camera team?

Chris Waldrip

Times like this I wish this comic wasn't PG-13... :-(

Hugh Eckert

That first panel is fanservice, for me at least. So cute. Though I also vote for the Patreon-exclusive pics.


I’m fairly certain that friends of mine contributed to ‘Horrific Industrial Noises Vol. 1’


Ah, Millie is a treasure.

Mad Marie

OSHA mandates that the record label keep a big sign that says “____ days since the last album release”

Mad Marie

Probably already commented on years ago, but Jeph puts the “A…I” in “Athleisure”


Here’s hoping for an uncensored version of Mille and her new butt

Daryl Sawyer

Jeph, please, for the Patreons...


Can there PLEASE be some NSFW content to follow this up????

Uncle Duke

Tastefully cropped for the morally upstanding members of the viewing audience ... but what about the perv's? Asking for a friend.


Roko is not comfortable with any bodies 😬

Martin Trebuch

that friend would be me ... ever heard of the SWIM principle? someone who isn't me ... XD DX T_T SO, Jeph, where dem nudes? XD