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or Gordon Eightfoot




Big hairy spiders? Nope nope nope nope nyoooooooooope.

Summer Sudbrink

If it had a son would that be Hairy Connick, Jr.? If it sang Christmas songs would it be Burl Eyes?

Summer Sudbrink

The movie director Quentin Tarantella


I know they say that the spider is more scared of you than you are of it, but with Hanners it's hard to be sure.


Gordon Eightfoot? <a href="http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2335" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.questionablecontent.net/view.php?comic=2335</a>

Brad Knowles

Black Widow spiders aren't hairy, and Brown Recluse spiders hide in dark moist places and won't voluntarily come out when there are other large things in the room. So, that's clearly not a dangerous spider.

Chris Crowther

Napalm the entire basement...


Dangerous or not, it's fucking HUGE. That thing's at least as big as Hanners' fist. If I were presenting the annual NOPE awards, Debbie Hairy would be a dead cert for first place.


I love the spider pit ^_^


Nobody tell hanners that you're never more than 3ft from a spider.

David Paul

Hanners should be grateful she does not live in Australia. If you believe the rhetoric of our US neighbours, <i>the whole friggen country is covered with, no, MADE OF spiders</i>.