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This made me laugh. :)


Except for the hair colour, I do the same thing. I have to clean the drains every month, and I only wash my hair twice a week (it's long, so I can't do it more frequently)


Man, Faye, I don't even touch my own considerable sheddings with my hands! Grossssssss.


All of a sudden I'm having flashbacks to just before they moved into this apartment because Faye needed more space. Could this herald a new era of the 4 becoming 2 pairs in separate living situations?

Buck Caldwell

I live this. My wife has Claire-hair (pre-haircut Claire) and both me and our son have long mid-back hair. After every shower, no excuses.


In college, this particular bathroom cleaning duty was called “killing the squirrel”.


"Living with Women" in a nutshell.


Living with long hair, period. You really don't want to see my brother's bathroom.


Reminds me of an acquaintance who asked his landlord to get the shower and sink drains unblocked because the water was backing up. The landlord having no slightest clue about maintenance (rentals are about PROFIT, not upkeep, told him to pour a bottle of drain cleaner down each one and deduct the cost from next months rent. So Andrew goes out and buys two one liter bottles of the strongest gel cleaner he can and pours one down each drain. Plastic pipes. The final cost to the landlord for excavating the drain lines,replacing the shower cabinet and waste disposal and all the associated pipes was almost $4000.

Dylan T

the slow, dawning realization in Claire's eyes is evidence that this has happened before but she pretends it doesn't


My wife has 4 foot long hair. I have no hair (well, on my head, anyway.) My moral high ground is unassailable!

Gillian Brown

I'm with Faye on this one. It's not that hard to collect all the shed hair while you're in the shower, then throw it in the bin when you're done. It means you don't have to clean the shower drains nearly as often.


Looks like a Christmas Island red crab.


That's not necessarily slow dawning realization of what Faye is talking about. It may be a more generalized slow dawning realization that Faye is p###ed, accompanied by fully-justified Faye dread.

Quantum Cat

I see sauce-covered noodly tendrils. Faye could sell this to devout Pastafarians in much the same way as miraculous virgin mary or jebus toast . . . if there were such a thing as *gullible* devout Pastafarians.

Maurice Kessler

I had a talk like this with my first roommate. An otherwise splendid guy. But he had to be told that my towel wasn't something he should be drying his ass with. Because I could tell.


C'mon, folks! Thoroughly brush that long and/or curly hair just before each shower. Not only will less reach the drain, but it also washes *and* dries easier. Until she learned this trick, my little sister hated having long hair because of wash-related tangles. For several years it was something I did for her, to encourage her to take a shower or bath when she didn't really want to. I playfully pretended to hate doing it, and she'd chase me through the house carrying her brush. Lots of fun, good memories.

Gregory Norris

I have fairly short hair and don't really shed any of it that I can tell but I live with 5 other people (2 of which are women with fairly long hair). Every time I go to take a shower I grab some toilet paper and grab a shit ton of hair out of the shower.


ouch. I would rip all of my hair out if i tried to brush it when its dry. Its not quite as curly as claire's but close

Carlos Nascimento

Apparently, shower hair is an important issue among webcomic artists :-D <a href="http://www.dumbingofage.com/2012/comic/book-3/01-if-the-shoes-split/safe/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.dumbingofage.com/2012/comic/book-3/01-if-the-shoes-split/safe/</a>