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Marten knows her well




Veronica is smirking behind that glass of wine - well done, Jeph. ;)


Is this the first full family gathering we've seen?


Your universe is inhabited with such cool people.

Scott McCarthy

I think we have seen them together, but pretty sure first meal.m at least

Kyle Major

I want tacos TT . TT nice pictures in the background. <3


And if they strap her to the drill press in a sitting position, she can still dispense sprays.


"The jokes on them though, I swapped all their wrenches for snakes".

Gary Walker

Veronica dominated her tacos.


Have we ever seen Claire and Sam interact? We know Veronica is good with kids.


The missing Snakes to meet you are back on Sam's shirt!


Is that what they are? I thought they were chocolate chip cookies XD

Paul Nobles

17 Dollars? Now that's gangsta!

Freya Thurell

Sam is thinking "Yay! drill press" and her dad is thinking "Faye is a great influence for my spawn" and Veronica is thinking "This is domination GOLD"

Kerin Schiesser

That's hilarious, and I have a feeling you are spot on. I think you should do a "what are they all thinking?" commentary for as many strips as you would enjoy doing, because I think many people would love that. LOL!