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*Bubbles intensifies*




Those specials though...


Oh Bubbles


Alternative income stream: if customers want to make jokes, they have to pay for the privilege.


Reminds me of college. Of course, back in those days, string cheese was made from real string, not that imitation stuff they have these days.


Your not helping here Bubbles. Faye needs honest answers here but what you want to here. Still, good joke.


Oh, yes, the $100 reward could be that Jeph actually responds to the joke (e.g. with a sarcastic put-down, as appropriate).


I don’t know why, but I absolutely love that image of Dora in the third panel.


Intimidating Bubbles is intimidating. :)


Ramen noodles and beer saw me through half my college career. Er, which explains why, today, I'm a sober alcoholic with a wrecked digestive tract. :P

Chris Gallaty

Ramen with a can of chicken noodle soup if you want to class it up. Lots of potatoes. It's amazing how little you can spend on food and not die.

Clifton Royston

Has Tai got Dora dressing in a schoolgirl costume? 'cause that pleated skirt...

Kaz Redclaw

Used to live off ramen. Now when I want to eat cheap, I go with Rice, frozen peas, and frozen swedish meatballs. Meatballs in at the start with the rice, peas once the rice is done cooking, then let it sit on warm a bit before eating. Not perfect, but about the same amount of money as not-on-sale ramen, and better than. (A $5 bag of meatballs will get you 6-8 meals, a $5 bag of rice will get you a couple dozen, and the $1 frozen peas will manage 4-5.)


Wait... Humans can do Anime Sweat? No way: Dora must be an AI!


We should test this further - if Bubbles and Faye were to say... kiss (for research!), do Dora's pupils turn to hearts or nose start bleeding? (It's not nearly as fun to just check for a pulse)


Bubbles: I do not believe you. Faye: Yeah... right. That's bullshit.

David Paul

Bubbles' Look is rewriting Dora's personal history as we speak. Honestly, though, rice is a pretty amazing food, and you can do all sorts of things with it, even on a budget. A packet of frozen vegetables, some meat (chicken pieces (drumsticks and wings particularly, or those marinated packs) is usually pretty cheap, or sausages), or cans of tuna (the ones with the sauces preferably), or even meat-based derivatives (think cheaper deli meats) in a pinch, and some sauce (whatever takes your fancy, but sweet chilli is my favourite). If you want to fancy it up, get a jar of garlic salt and/or mixed herbs. It really doesn't take much, and by changing the add-on stuff, you change the taste. Even the way you cook it, whether you have it boiled or fried, can do so much. Potatoes as well, when in season, are also pretty versatile. A serve of mashed potatoes always adds to a meal. My family (me, mum and dad) used to be able to do with $50-70, what other people would struggle to do with twice that. Food for a week for three of us, including fruits and vegetables, as well as household necessities, and maybe also some sort of treat (ice cream, or cereal, but not often both). It was mostly the cheaper brand stuff, but that still was okay. Our house is pretty adept at making top meals on a beggar's income.

Timothy Mann

That sounds good. If you have a Costco membership you can get a 20-lb bag of rice for like $9. $15 if you want fancy rice like Basmati. :)

Gary Walker

Beans, rice, and Ro-Tel.


I'm intrigued by the mealworm beverage on the menu. have I just not been in a coffee shop in a long while?


K, I wasn't before, but something about Bubbles in that last panel has me seriously crushing on her now.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Not really a drink, mealworms. You could probably blend them into a milkshake or dry and chop them and sprinkle them on a latte, but they're really more of a food item:<br><a href="http://abigalesedibles.com/mealworms-as-food/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://abigalesedibles.com/mealworms-as-food/</a>


Robots. In. Sportswear.


Dora looks so cute :3

Brad Knowles

Hmm. So why don't I believe Dora? Is it because good quality fruits and vegetables are actually quite expensive compared to junk food?