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Could be worse




Yep. Just ask the toaster how he / she / it feels about the fire. :)


Poor Hanners


That sounds like my work, except things break because I make them break.


"aim it out the door"


Jeph. I absolutely love how you draw Winslow and how you write his character. His responses make me bust out laughing every time. EVERY TIME.

Chris Hewson

Could be worse, Hanners. At least you got covered in coffee, and not what the baby was throwing up!

Kyle Major

At least the vomit wasn't on her

Dylan T

Hannelore looks like she just stared into the eyes of a Lovecraftian demon


I'm trying to remember if we've seen any AIs lock up like that. It's probably just a human thing. Marten used to do it all the time.


Welp, things went downhill after Bubbles left.


She was looking at a vomiting baby. Guess which is worse?


I like to think Hanners is eating Healthy Crisis Cereal.

J.M. Hall

Maybe this will be the start of Hanners deciding what she wants to do beyond working in CoD


I love Hannelore's BSoD face.


Poor Hanners. She goes through so much.

Brad Knowles

Hmm. Brown, all over Hanners? That might be projectile something, but I suspect it would be coming from the other end....

Clifton Royston

This job is good for Hanners, in the worst possible way. It's like shock treatment for her OCD.

Brad Knowles

I love that I knew exactly what you meant when you wrote that. I also love that I can't come up with a better term for that look.

Julienne Ignace

While I did giggle a little at your comment, I do wonder if it is possible to treat OCD in such a manner IRL.... 😕😶