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This month's bonus comic is alternate-universe Parisian Coffee of Doom! Translation by my lovely wife. Here's the english script, for those of you who don't speak French:


Dude: Uh, do you speak english?

Francelore: Ah- yes? Yes! Yes! How can I help you?


Dude: Can I get a, uhhh, venti coffee?

Francelore: A-ah, yes! One moment, please!


Francelore: What does "venti" mean?

Doralsace-lorraine: "Twenty" in Italian.


Francelore: Ummm...I guess that's twenty espressos...your total is 25 euros.

Dude: Twenty five bucks?! Forget that, I'm goin' to McDonalds or something!


Francelore: I don't understand Americans.

Doralsace-lorraine: Americans don't understand coffee.




Well not required everywhere and every year, but a popular one anyway. And it's fun because it's definitely a book Doralsace-Loraine would love as it's dark and realistic.


This forced me to dust off my high school french, and I mostly had it... (Also I love the art style of this one!)




J'adore :) J'ai eu un moment d'hésitation et je me suis dis : "Est-ce que ça toujours été en français? Non non c'est juste celui là! Génial :)"

Luis Padilla López

I both love and hate this strip, loved the art, the story, the french names, and hated the American guy and that's it. Great work as ever!!!


QC in QC


This is awesome and funny, but Doralsace-lorraine is the best part!

Haldon Lindstrom

Yes! Made me laugh outloud at my desk, and have to pretend I wasn't reading comics at work.


Knowing Spanish got me through most of this. I was happy to see my rough translation was correct in the English translating. I love it! I hope we see more alternate universe stuff in the future. Thanks!


Ceci ç'est le meilleur. (Hopefully my dimly remembered French is, if not right, at least understandable.)


In the words of Asterix, "BOF! Ils sont fous, ces Americains!"

Matthew Harris

I don't know that Doralsace-Lorraine seems quite German enough to be named after Alsace-Lorraine ("you got your Germany in my France, you got your France in my Germany")


Oh, reminds me: I was embarassingly old when I finally found out to the meaning of 'Idéfix'...


Je voudrais plus de la francophonie, s'il te plait.


I never expected to see a pun about my home region in QC ^^

Todd Whitesel

I lurve beatnik Dora, she needs a pretentious beret tho


Je l'aime :p


Absolument brillant!


Hey, 10 years of school french finally paid off! I could read that without the translation!

Scott Kenney

My jaw muscles ache from grinning


C'est fou! Bon chance avec demi-litre-meseure.

Travis Wedding

This art/shading style. I don't know how I feel about it.


A large coffee containing 20 double shots... yes that might literally be a Café de la Mort!


And here you thought you'd never use anything you learned at school in real life :)


Well done, Jeph. I laughed my ass off.


Does clear up something that's minorly irritated me about Starbucks; what the heck a Venti size is. It's a 20oz cup.

Brad Knowles

Hmm. I lived in Belgium for almost eight years, and I never really properly learned French myself -- my French is about as good as the guy with the baseball cap. But I would have thought "I do not understand Americans" would more properly translate into something like "Je ne comprends pas les Américains." This uses the "Je ne X pas" pattern for "I do not X". Can we get a native French writer to chime in?


I remember just enough of my high school French to just barely figure out the joke without reading the translation. :D

Buck Caldwell

Not native, but in some situations when speaking in first person the "ne" is not necessary.

Lucas Bonnet

Native chiming in, this kind of "ne" is mostly optional when spoken

Minzoku Bokumetsu

Not remotely a French speaker, but 100% "proper" grammar is super unnatural in spoken dialogue in ALL languages

André alias DD

Merci, je suis amoureux de Francelore et Doralsace-Lorraine ! (Thanks, I'm in love with Francelore and Doralsace-Lorraine !)

Mari San

The bonus comic is a great idea to start exploring new styles! I think it looks great!


J'ai besoin de PLUS de Dora périssienne, s'il te plaaaaaaaaaaaaît~

Emma Humphries

I love this style, it reminds me of John Alison (and that's a wonderful thing!)

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

"Ne" gets dropped a lot because the "pas" / "jamais" / "aucun" (or whatever that word is) gets the point across anyway. In effect, proper grammar is "I don't understand not Americans" or "I don't have no tomatoes" and they just say "I understand not Americans" or "I have no tomatoes" because it's easier.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

*ahem* from caffeineinformer:<br>In the purest sense, espresso coffee is made from 7 grams of finely ground coffee extracted to 1.5 fluid ounces (44 ml) over about 25 seconds.<br>Values ranged from 58 mg up to 185 mg for a double shot.<br>77mg caffeine per 1.5 fl. oz shot<br>By my maths, that's 1540 mg caffeine in 20 shots or 1026.667 mg in a 20 fl oz cup.<br>According to caymanchem.com:<br>Caffeine - Toxicity Data:<br>Oral LDLO (woman): 400 mg/kg;<br>Oral TDLO (child): 140 mg/kg;<br>Oral TDLO (man): 51 mg/kg<br>... and it needs a "Harmful if swallowed" warning label on it. I work that out at the 1540 mg "20 shots" cup being around TDlo for a 30.2kg man. Considering that guy's probably over twice that, he'd get away with it ... unless he needed to sleep or something in the next 24 hours. Actually, wait ...<br>Back to caffeineinformer:<br>In humans, the half-life for caffeine is anywhere from 4 to 6 hours on average, which explains why the average energy drink or coffee's effect lasts about 4 to 6 hours.<br>If we call it 5 hours, after 5 hours he'd be down to having had 10 shots, after 10 hours he'd be down to having had five shots, after 15 hours he'd be down to having 2.5 shots, after 20 hours he'd be down to having had 1.25 shots and could possibly get to sleep and after 25 hours he'd be down to 0.625 shots and out like a light.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2022-01-11 04:03:46 @Brad Knowles: Francelore uses the following sentence: ‘Je comprends pas les Américains’ where the negative mark ‘ne’ is omitted (the ‘pas’ is still there) which makes it more colloquial. ‘Je sais pas’ -&gt; ‘Dunno’
2017-10-02 02:42:08 @Brad Knowles: Francelore uses the following sentence: ‘Je comprends pas les Américains’ where the negative mark ‘ne’ is omitted (the ‘pas’ is still there) which makes it more colloquial. ‘Je sais pas’ -> ‘Dunno’

@Brad Knowles: Francelore uses the following sentence: ‘Je comprends pas les Américains’ where the negative mark ‘ne’ is omitted (the ‘pas’ is still there) which makes it more colloquial. ‘Je sais pas’ -> ‘Dunno’


"Doralsace-lorraine" is officially my favorite name in the history of names. Love the reference &lt;3


Extra funny because like... don't they use ML in Italy? Sigh, starbucks. Sigh


What's the book Doralsace is reading? I can't make out the title.