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it seems to be going well




I think we've all been there at some point, Droid 06


I want to hug everyone, if they want hugs.


He's doing better than could be expected. Droid 06 needs to be shipped, because if he isn't, a 50 mile radius would suffer.


Well, sure, but now you're just drafting some poor other droid to do all the emotional work, when really Droid 06 needs to learn to deal with its own shit.


Droid 06 is me on a daily basis

Chris Heg

Droid 06 needs to lay off the tea.


Robot comix ftw.


positive affirmations are even stronger when delivered by sweet cotton candy boys


Hey, check out "Active Listening" It's the therapeutic process where you listen to what people are saying and connect their emotions to their statements rather than parroting back to them or giving them advice, I think it's the kind of thing to understand that would help Winslow


Cat bite Droid 06. Cat's teeth shatter. Cat not pleased.


Wait, who was dating punchbot? Who broke his sweet heart?


I'm pretty sure that's not punchbot. Last time we saw him in comic 3414 he was a lot more grey than blue and had ear circles on his head. I think that bot just has a similar chassis. Arthur has a pretty similar one too.


Well, Winslow is new at this stuff. Giving advice is a good first step, let thim pick it up at his own pace.

Stavros Karatsoridis

That "Droid 06" font is hard to read. I read it as "Droid Og"

William Burns

Purple-hair AI is up to bat next.

Freya Thurell

and he gets a permanent gig as a psychotherapist. :) Winslow is awesome!

Freya Thurell

Also I could definitely see May and 'tin can with attitude' hitting it off ;)

Wild Card

I thought it was Punchbot as well, with the dicks finally cleaned off of him

Wild Card

For being thrown into the job with no prep or training, he is doing a pretty good job.


I had that as well, until I came down here to the comment section. For the first couple of posts I was all "who is droid 06"?


Fire truck punching incident.