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Gary Walker

Roko's expression in the first panel is perfect.


jeph stop making all of your characters so dang cute, i'm gonna die here


Bubbles sparkles on the inside.


They split sass responsibilities 50:50

Chong Go

Ah, man. I know you get patreon contributions and all, but thanks so much for these. They really provide a warm spot in my day.


Why would Roko doubt that Bubbles is the brains? Because she's a combat AI? That sounds bigoted to me.


Bubbles is sparkly. She's a veritable electric storm of sparkles, with a good dollop of door bashing bad ass on top of it.


Can I interest you in something from Coffins 'R Us?


Every operation needs a sass provider. They may also occasionally sparkle.


No clever comments from me. Just appreciation for the great job you do every day, Jeph.


Not only because she has a combat-bot chassis, but when Roko was investigating the robot "Fight Club", Bubbles had the whole stoic-silent thing going on.


I love love love the way in your world the AIs are people. Odd people, weird people, non-human people but definitely believable interesting people. 'It's psychosomatic, OK?' Was lovely.Great work and thank you.

Jumpy James Johnson Junior

Still waters run deep.<br><br>Great. Now I have <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdSnwufjKtc" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">Lynn Anderson</a> in my head.

Ben C

That's what makes the pixies dance.


So the mention of insurance nudged something in me. All the AIs are pretty young, right? The oldest of them are maybe 10 in human years (can't remember specifically). So has there been any thought to how they age? If they age? Is it something they choose? I mean, it appears that without exception, they are all effectively the same age. More than anything else that feels weird to me. An entire group (race?) of potentially tens or hundreds of thousands or more, all in the same age group. I mean, the baby boomers were a hill in the population curve that will eventually fall off the cliff, but AIs seem to be an unmoving Everest that will only grow as more are born/created.

Peter Jensen

Probably more that the arrangement is typically "brains" and "brawn", where Bubbles quite obviously projects the latter.


Well, I'm guessing Winslow's original Apple chassis had only a 1-year warranty, just like Apple's latest high-end cell phones. But increased robustness always means more weight and/or more exotic materials, so a super high-end humanoid chassis could cost like a hyper-car does today (millions of US$). May's chassis may be of the "cheapest-possible" variety, or perhaps a much older model. IIRC, the "mistake" surrounding Pintsize's mil-spec chassis was at least a factor of 10 difference in value. Now Bubbles' chassis has to be the best seen so far in QC-Land. It may never need repair, barring encounters with ordnance.

Gary Walker

Unstated headcanon: Roko's ankle has been hinky ever since she twisted it while chasing this raccoon.

Mari San

There was a dark time when his revenues from this comic came only from the merchandise he was selling. I am SO glad patreon exists so that I can support him each month, this is a blessing because I love his comics and wish that he goes on doing it :)

Joseph H.

So... she is a better love story then Twilight.


Have to wonder. A displaceable ligament is something that could happen in the fingers to someone who as drawn a cartoon every day for 13+ years. Any connection?


Roko isn't a huge fan of Bubbles or Faye, because they lied to her and also trapped her in a trash can. I assume she'll get in the occasional dig where she can. It reminds me a little of the early Faye/Dora dynamic.


I only caught on to QC a few years ago. I read it a bit at the beginning, but then lost track of it until about 2014. The best part was binge reading the whole thing over a couple of weeks, pacing myself to make it last. I wish I could do that again! I noticed that time; even though I didn't experience it in realtime, this is DEFINITELY better.


That goes without saying, but that's low bar considering 'any' story that has romance in it is likely a better love story than Twilight. :)


Well, this does answer one continuity question about QC. It seems AIs can get an equivalent to medical insurance. Sure hope their version makes more sense than what we have out here in reality.