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I am very proud of the pun in the title



Eric Sieck

So those weren’t socks? Robots just don’t have toes? Interesting.

Buck Caldwell

I would think if you still have toe armatures under a sock-like covering made of the same skin as the rest of the robot, it should be functionally identical. Also keeps you from catching something between toes, which can be painful as heck.

Freya Thurell

which it makes sense to have sensor-tivity :P ... a robot might have different calibrations... and that may elicit humanesque responses in the form-follows-function philosophical bent that anthro-PC seem to emulate

Charlotte Grubbs

Hum, I wonder how not having toes affects their mobility - toes are pretty crucial for balance in humans! But we are imperfect meat bags, after all.


So "Roko unwinds" (<a href="http://jephjacques.com/post/153991088855/roko-unwinds)" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://jephjacques.com/post/153991088855/roko-unwinds)</a> was not canon? Or did she get her feet replaced since?


Faye might just need new glasses, I stopped stubbing mine once I fixed my prescription. Just sayin'.

David Paul

Probably singling out the toes might have been deemed too fiddly? You can see in the third panel that her "toes" curl, so the structure might be there, but are just encased in a single covering (or sock) as opposed to having individual toes.


You need to wander around in the dark more, so that you can have nice bent and bruised toes like mine.

Kyle Major



Robot has sensitive feet? So much *sniff* win!

Freya Thurell

also I like this chara more and more. She is so relatable ;P


Robot Foot Fetishists... Rejoice! Time to do some Faye/Roko fithy fanfic. ;) :D (I know, I should be sorry, but I'm too busy being HILARIOUS.)

Peter Jensen

Took me way too long to get the double meaning of the pun title.

Unanimous D

I am a sensitive foot Nobody understands me because I am so deep In my work I make allusions to streets that nobody else has crossed sidewalks that nobody else has walked And shoes that nobody else has worn I can't help it Because I am so much more intelligent And well-rounded Than every foot that surrounds me I stopped wearing socks when I was six months old Because it was so boring and stupid And started wearing sandals And going to parks And beaches I don't go to parks anymore Because my skin is too sensitive to grass And I don't go to beaches anymore Because there is sand there And I can't deal with sand Because it doesn't understand me I stay home picking up tissues that are beneath me And working on my toenails Which no one understands I am sensitive