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PLEASE READ BELOW: Discord is now supported by Patreon Officially! Just as a sort of incentive, I'll be putting a new MASSIVE Fluttercow Lewd Boob/Nipple Measuring picture in Discord early, as a test for the new gallery. Please grab a discord account and hop on in!

My own Discord club is now open for early access to art. You can now add your Discord straight into your Patreon profile and you will automatically gain an invite to the club!

Instructions on where you can find the option to link your Discord to Patreon can be found on the official FAQ: https://patreon.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/212052266-How-do-I-get-my-Discord-Rewards-


Discord App has rapidly proven itself to be the more modern and lightweight form of contact. It has the same features you expect from Skype, except you can access it from a browser or mobile. I think it holds a lot more convenience, especially because if you link a Discord to your account, there's no longer a delay on gaining your club invite.

If you are already in the Skype club, please consider also hopping into the new lobby. You can access Discord on your browser without even downloading it, should you wish. Alternatively, you can download the client and have a new tool to gain updates from the people you support, (or even replace skype as your messaging tool, if you end up liking it enough). Both Skype and Discord will remain open for the time being.


If you'd like to contact me with your opinions on skype or discord,
please send a PM. Your feedback and opinions are helpful to make

I hope you've enjoyed the uploads so far. More lewds are on the way~ Thank you again! <3



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