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It's an art bomb! And guess what? I'm not even a forth done posting.

I received messages from people curious about the previous art gallery links. I wanted to make sure that you knew that my Patreon feed will be updating in its place.

Those galleries have been shelved for the past few months, so I will be mass updating to pull the content back up to date here on the feed.

It's much more convenient to have it all here to enjoy (especially for new viewers), and the outside links are an unnecessary step now.

I hope to keep this in place for the future.

On top of the new art I have to post, there are a mass of previously unposted pieces that will be joining them here.

The cows just don't quit coming~ Thanks again, and look forward to many more updates over the next short while!




Woo! Nothing like a good art dump


I love it ur art is amazin ;_;


Some fantastic stuff in this update! Thank you for all your hard work, Spin!