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🟢  Tablet Replacement

To keep things brief, early in May, my tablet broke while I was drawing. I ordered a replacement, but the shipping time was a lot longer than expected. I resumed drawing as soon as I was able, though, and I'm working as fast as I am able to get things back on track.

If I owe you art, I thank you for your understanding while I try to catch up on things. I'm pulling some all-nighters to make up for it. There's so much to do.

🟢 Update Time  

My art updates were delayed this month, which is the reason things aren't already posted here. I'm going to try and make up for it, so I'm grateful for your patience. Over the next few days I will be posting as much art and WIPs as I can.

 🟢 New and Returning Patrons

I recognize a lot of familiar faces returning this month, as well as many new ones. Thank you for your support. I had a rocky month, so I wish I could have been a little more receptive for you. As I mentioned, I'm working to get the gallery caught up for you.

🟢 Character Poll Results

The results of the previous poll have been decided, and I've selected TWO winners this time~ Thanks so much for your ideas, I'll be posting them really soon along with the alt versions. I hope you enjoy them!

The next poll begins this coming month.

Again, thank you so much for waiting. I really wasn't expecting to be hanging for so long without a tablet to draw on. The good news is that the new one works great.

This is the first time I've had this happen to me. The timing was horrible with the current state of postal services, along with the returning folks this month. If I disappointed you, though, I completely understand. It's been such a delay since the last update.

I'm going to get things back on track now. Bless you, and please stay safe! 🙌




No worries thank for the update :)


J u n e 2 1 duuuuuuuuude ur blueballing me


Take all the time you need to get comfortable with your new tablet Spin, and please don't feel obligated to work yourself harder than you feel is right, just to deliver on a backlog. We understand!