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Little Lorna has decided to use her influence as a celebrity erotic comic book character to help out a cause that is dear to her heart.  The Daddy Dom/Little Girl (DDLG) Foundation.  And YES... that's a thing!!  Little Lorna wants to tell everyone out there that there is no wrong way to love!

Well, its story time to go with Pride Month...

A while back, I was instagram friends with this lesbian with the handle "Loveislove" and she would always admonish people who hated on love. I totally agreed with her as everyone should love who they want to. I think I show this in my stories and comics all the time. One day she posted how she witnessed a "disgusting old man with a young girl" and how filthy he was and she must be a gold digger.

I responded "Don't Hate on Love"

After yelling at me on Instagram for the next two hours, I blocked her.

People... don't be hypocritical! If you're a older gent that loves younger girls, don't hate on men who love men. If you are a women who loves other women, don't think a women is just a gold digger for liking more mature dominant men.

No one has the right to judge how other people love.  If you don't believe me, read your Bible!

My apologies for no Tales page this time around. I have been messing around with these Rule#43 and Advert illustrations as well as getting REALLY busy at work. I hate it when I rush the pages and as always, want to give my supporters the best I can.




Question? Do you get aroused by your art?


No… but the chair I sit on would have a different opinion. ;)


Haha yea I'm absolutely pervy.. if there wasn't restrictions I would definitely love you see your depths. An shit it only upsets ppl because they don't want to admit the truth they like it


Yes. Moral judgements are to be used personally and not against others. Think porn is wrong? Don’t watch porn. Think men shouldn’t have sex with other men? Don’t have sex with men then! Don’t try and ban things because of one’s personal demons.