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Being a total jerk, I decided to commission myself with my infinite supply of BB and do that one FIRSST!  Muhaha!

For some reason I wanted to commission myself to draw a 7' tall guy with Little Lorna (who is 5'0").

Obviously its like a SaintBernard trying to have sex with a Chihuahua so only in the cartoon world of Little Lorna is this possible!




More covers like this, nice!


I've seen plenty of pornos where the girl is comparing the size to her arm, never the leg though😂. Thankfully cartoons aren't governed by the laws of physics. Lovely work Julia 👏


KY ... industrial size!


Have you seen the guy who played the Mountain on Game of thrones and his wife? (I don't have the keyboard to spell his name correctly here lol). She's a tiny little thing and he's 6'9". It's impossible to see them and not think about how that works. See here for image: https://hips.hearstapps.com/hmg-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/images/game-of-thrones-the-mountain-baby-boy-instagram-1586640649.png?resize=480:*


Oh yes, I’ve seen that before. I was actually thinking of him and his wife while I was drawing. I think I drew this guy too tall though. 6’9” is much more realistic… although, realism is not really my forté. Lol.




I tried to keep his girth smaller than her waist at least. Lol. I’m glad you like it!