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I have the next page done however you'll have to wait until PervsDay for it. I should have page 4 done by then as well! It seems much easier to draw these when I've written the story far in advance.

Actually, I have the whole 6 pages written out and now for the easy part... drawing!

I really like the bonkers story that I wrote and I get the feeling this one will be a favourite with one element of the story that may spawn some future stories and a NEW character!




I just started working on my own comic. I'm in like a proto type phase, finding out what works and doesn't . But im having a blast coming up with funny little stories and drawing them out as a hobby. I'm not making anything erotic but i've learned a lot from your cartoons simply because you make it look fun. Making the drawings first and then adding dialogue later has been slowing me down. So i'm going to start writing everything before i start. Hopefully i can make a few people laugh with some crude comics as well. Thanks for being rad!


Oh fun! I feel like I travelled down the same path as you are. Getting a scrap paper and laying out the panels, bubbles and text is a huge time saver and let’s you write the script at the same time you work out the image flow. Doing it on computer/tablet even better because you can easily nudge things around. I hope I inspire some amazing works from you in the future!


Looking forward to it Sinope! . . .😁