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Well, I got some feedback from a comic publisher and why I get so many rejections.

My drawing style is good but too cute and not realistic which apparently is NOT what ppl want.

My stories are explicit which is alright but mixed with humour is sort of a boner killer?

So, I’m not changing because I love mixing light hearted stories with explicit content. I feel it takes the edge off things by not taking it too seriously and I love being funny. I’m also not changing my style. I worked hard on creating a style and love drawing like this.

I really do appreciate my small army of supporters who continue to support my art because obviously there is not a lot of money in continuing and I would be better to just stop wasting my time… but so long as you want it, I’ll keep drawing it.

Although it is depressing to hear, I am filled with much gratitude to all of you!



Fuck those assholes! It’s their loss, keep doing what you’re doing, and don’t be just another sheep drawing tits


That’s ridiculous, apparently those people have never read comic books (realism? Try Jack Kirby! Humor? Have they even seen an Archie Comic? What about Omaha the Cat Dancer?)


Good. Be true to yourself. Some folks are ahead of their time. There was this soldier in the army whose Sargent constantly complained about his uniform and overall attitude. And said you’re never going to amount to anything. The soldier he was complaining about was George Carlin. Stick to your guns babe. Everybody’s got an opinion. Don’t make it true.

Patrick Miller

Too many people are just wanting serious porn for whatever reason. Your cute porn is awesome! Not everyone like serious or even r@pey porn. I'm loving the cute pics I see and the cute outfits you put the girls in. Keep doing your art your way and eventually you'll get a publisher who is interested in your work


Thank you. They may be right but I think it is more of a risk thing. There is a lot of people they have to convince from retailers, to editors and printers and it is all expensive. No one wants to take a risk when there’s real money involved. Eventually, someone will see how the erotic landscape has been changing from a traditional style to more cartoony.


Thank you! I love drawing sexy outfits. I was in a private school which banned them so now I draw them! 😼. I wish I was back in the 90’s when there were like, dozens of big print publications to submit my contributions to.


That’s what I think as well! With all of these young people consuming Manga and Hentai the cartoony look is due for a comeback. I think the cartoony style of the older comics is why no one took them too seriously as “plagues on society”. Maybe I should do a rip off on Omaha. Dakota the Dancer? Hmm, time to do some research!


Well, maybe the sheep drawing tits will all be replaced by AI. Lol. I tried to AI my art. It can’t figure out what I’m drawing. Either my art is so horrible it doesn’t look like anything a computer can understand or it is so stylistic that it can;t break it down!


Your style is why I appreciate your art so much.


its the completely unique style of your art that drew me to it in the first place!


But like stout and escargot, your style is an out of mainstream acquired taste. Play to your audience. Selling to mainstream editors will make you bend to their biases and hangups.


Fuck! They ass! I wish there was a way to make you dreams come true. Because you're stories are legit!


What? BS! Look what's popular out there. Jab has a little empire doing similar stuff, and it's been popular since Cherry Poptart. Who wants realistic and serious comic books?


I know, right? Old school mentality. I think there is a whole generation coming up that wants cartoons not realism anymore. Millenials and GenXers love their cartoons.