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Little Lorna loves to perform. Even though she is a bit of a shy girl, seeing all of the happy faces watching her dance on the pole makes her so excited.

I made a few wallpaper images (attached).  Enjoy!




This is great! What art program do you use? I like the line quality you’re able to achieve.


I use clip studio paint and vector ink lines using a warm dark dense pencil with a lot of smoothing. I like this combination because it doesn’t make the lines as dense so I don’t have to make the shading as dense. The lashes and pupils are in straight black using a sharp ink brush to make them pop.




Nice one! I really enjoy how you keep experimenting, with little things that make a big difference.


That would be a cool story. Little Lorna as the stripper. Family got on hard times now her an mom's have to bring in tht money.

Patrick Miller

Again, loving the solo stuff 💙


I like that... let me think on it if I can come up with 6 pages of story. I have a great punch line final scene as well!


I thought so. I like the vector capabilities in Clip Studio Paint. Excellent choice and execution on your part.


LOL indeed LL loves poles!

Bavarian Dodo

I think Little Lorna has a high chance to make me switching my phone wallpaper!


I’m working on little things that ADD mood but also reduce work without making the art suffer. It’s not lazy… it’s style!