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(click the tag "Camp Bloom" to read the story and see the other artwork!)

I'm posting this on HumpDay rather then PervsDay because I have some friends coming from Japan and it is going to be a busy week.  Hopefully I can get ahead of the art and get my FunDay posting done on time.

I really enjoyed drawing the proportions here. I guess all of the drawing Magik and Colossus paid off!  Little Lorna is barely 5' so I apologize if she is tiny compared to these 6' 8" giants (although, I'm sure there isn't any complaints!)

There's only one page left in this story and it seems like I've just began!  If you have other ideas for what happens to the girls at camp, let me know and maybe I'll extend it to page#8 but other then that, we'll wrap this Tale up before March.




Maybe you can talk about how every day in camp was similar, but the daily activities could change, so now highlight those activities. Like all days were the same in the sense of showring with the staff, eating with them, slweping with them. So highlight the extra stuff: maybe one day they had a family visit and now the camp members family get to see how the girls spend their time, or the yearly Football competition, but it’s naked for the gals and the staff. I dunno lol.


That’s a good idea. I guess, I’ve sort of done that already by just covering the more “mundane” routine of camp.


Football...?? Why not DickStuffin . . . where each 'team' is timed for how quickly they can put all of there dicks in all the girls? Or, EnduranceHumpin . . . . . where each team is timed for how long they can go before cumming . . . ? Or . . . similar more appropriate games for this camp . . . LOL Or maybe it's just the Daddy's that visit . . . and get to see/participate in the new skills their lil girls have learned . . . . oh my!


Little Lorna a champ


Bunk bed DP is hot!