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{{to read, click the tag "Camp Bloom"}}

The concept of feeding girls bowls of cum is something that I find a funny concept. I mean, there is very little sexual gratification but its just the immature and childish humour that I'm known for.  LOL!

I'm so grateful that I have the opportunity to do some stories that are just bonkers. I think it has a lot to do with my cartoony style.  I imagine if I drew more realistic (aka Marvel, DC) these wouldn't be so humorous.

 I grew up in the age of the Simpsons which was ground breaking in their off-colour humour which Family Guy took even further. Then came Rick and Morty and Futurama which really created a setting where there were no rules.

I think in Little Lorna's Universe it is much like the same.  Very little rules guiding it apart from my childish imagination and your pervy ideas!

(by the way... sheer t-shirts was YOUR idea!)




Have to wonder why Daddy sent her to this camp . . . hehe? Wonder if she'll get to take her shock collar home with her? heh


We need to make sure they get their nutrition.


Breakfast... the most important meal of the day...