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Welcome to February, Lornaistas!

Little Lorna has just arrived at the summer camp so it won't be soon before we hear about her adventures when a bunch of horny camp councillors have a bunch of cute girls hundreds of miles in the wilderness.

I worked at summer camps for many years and in contrast to what the movies depict there wasn't any debauchery going on but, of course, Little Lorna's world is not like this and in her fictional world, Camp Bloom is going to be nutty!


Its about time I did another round of drawing requests! When I need to take a break from this story later on in the month, I will tally up everyone's BB and make a post where you can make your requests!  I'm looking forward to it!  It has been a long time since I've done one and I'm sure that many of you have some wild ideas.

BB are earned for anyone who supports me for $10 or more.


Again, a big thank you to all of my supporters.  I do fear that many erotic artists will need to drop out as the economic downturn drags on which is sad because I am a big supporter of this genre.  

It is fun, non-exploitive of real people, and totally fictional.  There have been so many studies in the 90s focusing on violent and sexual cartoons/music/video games (remember Marilyn Manson, Simpsons and the game "Postal"?) and if they make people act out.  Although the researchers entered the studies with an agenda or a premonition as to what the research will conclude, the evidence was so overwhelming that (in moderation) it actually many social benefits that the nay-sayers have pretty much been all but silenced.

Unfortunately, places like Etsy, Amazon and PayPal have not gotten the message and it is really difficult for the artists you love to keep doing what they're doing.  Well, not ALL artists.  I have a bunch of supporters who keep these stories coming.  I can always use more supporters so I can commit more time and funds to this but I am never one to overlook how much you guys have blessed me.

I appreciate it everyone!! Much love!




Gotta give Lorna some black history month love🖤


LL outfit is so hot on this one.


Just regulation Camp Bloom wear! Apparently the Jr campers and Teen campers are all issued the same sizes. 😂


Hmm, i wonder if they have days where the campers can’t use bottoms, but can still wear their tops. For team bonding purposes.


Gaaaaaah!!! Save us from 'plus size' campers! Hopefully Camp Bloom has rigid 'body code' standards ...


Hmmmm . . . wonder if LL's swimming suit (see below) is transparent when it get's wet? One hopes!