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I have been watching the war in Ukraine very closely and I can say that it is always in my thoughts.  I know it is far away however, it is such a complex situation with tragedy and acts of heroism with polarizing villains.

The Illyana Rasputina story seems to be growing in my mind into something more involved and I can't help to work other Russian/Soviet bloc Characters into the story and try to bring the story around to the Russian abuse, degradation, molestation and subjugation of Ukraine.

Scarlett Witch is not Russian but seems like a perfect fit.  I'm going to assume for the sake of my story that Magneto was a Jewish/Russian and has made a pact with the Russian Dictator to take the Ukrainians as their slaves... just like they did during the USSR when they took Ukrainian girls as... well, maybe I shouldn't spoil things too much!

I'm not sure how evil I'm going to make the Scarlett Witch but I'm sure that most of you will not mind if I'm a little unfair to her character... so long as I draw her with big boobs!  Lol.

Any other "soviet bloc" characters you can think of that I should add to the story?

Black Widow of COURSE and Polaris.  Magneto and Quicksilver will be in there (ooo! Just think of how Quicksilver has sex!).




Omega Red... Soviet Villain ... X-Men


Darkstar... sexy Soviet mutant ... X-Men... the character was so popular she even appeared in the 1993 Animated X-Men Cartoon


Oh! I don’t know Darkstar. I’m only part way through the animated series but I’m looking forward to seeing her in it!


Yes... her popularity has grown... they even released a Marvel Legend action figure of her in stores over a year ago


There's always... "The Wasp"...


Hmmmm . . . Are you sure you want an LL 'like' character being an evil russian? (maybe give her very small boobs to justify her evilness? hehe)