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Darn… I woke up this morning and really want to have Reggie punch Ethel. Not because I want to see Ethel hit up but it amplifies what a jerk Reggie is and makes the reader really feel sorry for poor Ethel.

Okay. Apologies in advance if you feel it goes too far but it has a great payoff in the Betty/Ethel scene.

After I’m done, if people want me to change it, I can always just have Reggie twisting her arm which works with the story as well, but not as shocking.



If the payoff is hot, sure. I just don’t like violence for the sake of it. One thing is manhandling and ragdolling, but if it is not consensual…it’s weird.


Just go for it. Audiences need reasons to hate villains.


If it just makes the payback sweeter, pour it on like Honey.


Sorry, hit enter too soon - hint: wonder what kind of punch Jughead could throw?