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Finally! Patreon has allowed creators to have our supporters to be charged according to the day they signed up rather then at the beginning of every month!

For YOU (and I apologize for those who will be billed twice in succession next month) they always billed when you signed up AND at the beginning of the month. That means if you signed up and were billed on Aug 31st, you will be billed again on Sept 1st! So unfair.

Now, if you sign up (or change your subscription) you will get a full month before you are billed again.

FOR ME, I always try to make sure To not leave a comic page hanging at the end of the month as some people who signed up late will not get the maximum value. This really made me rush pages. I also try to only promote my page at the beginning of the month so that new supporters don’t feel cheated when they decide to support me near the end of the month and then get double billed when the months turn over. I feel so bad when that happens.

Although this is not obvious how thing will change for my long time supporters, it really makes a big difference in how I produce and share my art and try to gain more supporters which allows me to allocate more time to drawing comics, which mean more dirty art for EVERYONE!

Oh… and as an example of how YOUR support helps, I had a side businesss that took 3-4 hours a day to run and it collapsed from a lawsuit. Rather then try and save it, I just shrugged my shoulders and moved that time to drawing comics for YOU!

THANK YOU EVERYONE! Love you all and I hope you are having fun here! If you ARE… hit the likes and comment! It really helps me know what you like and what you find er… uncomfortable and that helps me guide my stories towards that.


Jamie Willis

There is a comic you've left unfinished https://www.patreon.com/sinope/posts?filters%5Btag%5D=school%20spirit will you be coming back to that?


Omg! Right! I totally forgot about that one. I’d love to get back into doing some Tales and Diaries again!

Jamie Willis

One of my favourites out of all the comics and stuff you do, sure some like Betty and Veronica, Doves of Peril etc but for me Little Lorna is the girl in my heart :)


Yeah. ;). Little Lorna has sex only a few times a day so we have to sometimes give her some time to build up some stories to tell. Lol.

Jamie Willis

So true :D I mean good things to those who wait :p I love that sexy slut that's why I pledged here in the first place