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(click the tag "dovesofperil" to read the pages/panels)

Welcome to September everyone!  I hope everyone is enjoying their long weekend!

The girls are torn with a moral dilemma as they recover from the goblin attack.  As always, in the world of Terria, sex is casual as always and even "unwanted attention" from the goblin horde is similar to being jumped by an angry mob.

In these comics I try and not promote violence that has really infected all of media and would rather tickle the reptilian and animal side of our brain with sex that should be FAR FAR FAR more socially acceptable that exciting the reader with scenes of violence, gore and blood. Of course, there is excitement and adventure but its the sexually explicit scenes in this comic that make it an adult orientated read and not that someone gets stabbed in the eyeball!

There is a tender (and elf-sex-rough) love scene between Kashia and Farryn coming up for the next page so stay tuned!!



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