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(click the tag "imonaboat" to see the comic)

So, in my quest to try and find a inking and colouring style to cut short some of the parts of the comics that I struggle with, I have this new sort of style that I'm trying out.  Its more of a modern Webcomic style using colonized halftone, thick inking lines and more hard line cell shading.

Can you tell the difference?  How do you like it?

This comic was never supposed to be a two parter but I always knew that there was a chance that the ending will be perilous... so, lets see how Holly and Little Lorna deal with the pirates!

Thanks for July everbuds!

Thanks everyone for hanging in with me this month.  I still managed to get a few pages posted along with numerous stickers and illustrations.

I lose focus that many of you are here JUST for little lorna comics and I'm doing you a dis service if I wait too long between comics so I hope it all worked out alright with you.


 I am FINALLY going on vacation next month.  Actually, its still working but I'll be out of the house for 7 days.  Although I won't be able to do any drawing as I'm doing 12hr days working a conference, I will be thinking of Little Lorna's next wacky adventure!




"imonaboat" brings ONLY CENCORED PICTURES!!! WTF


The pix are showing Censored for me also...


Are you guys using the iPad or phone app? I’m getting that as well. Website works.


i'm on laptop... but am now seeing uncensored pages... it changed from couple hours ago


Look at me, I'm the captain now!