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Taking a month long break has been really tough on my drawing.  I feel like this drawing should have taken me FAR less time.  Actually, this is the forth drawing I tried that worked.  It is annoying that it is such a struggle right now but hopefully when I get back to drawing consistently it will come back.

I think Little Lorna working secretly as a high school prostitute would be a lot of fun.  There will still be peril as a prostitute's life is not the safest way for a girl to earn money but then again, I DO know a little about society always trying to demonize people who use their talents to sell sex!

I guess the comic will be a little lighter on the jokes but still cute and light hearted.  More like  "Spiderman" rather then "Batman" in mood.



Jamie Willis

I think that's kinda hot the teachers sharing Little Lorna in exchange for her getting straight A's and maybe little cash wouldn't be so bad


Life would be more interesting if that was true for HS girls.


OMG... what have I done to you?

Jamie Willis

Also Julia I was thinking about my Valentine's Day commission did you manage to get to do the alternate version? if not does that come out of my BB's? also love to see more in April (fingers crossed) :D


No grades exchange! The teachers and Little Lorna have an agreement to keep her in high school year after year.


Turning them into young sluts that this world desperately need more of.


And it's about time the teachers also got in on the action !


She's a busy bee! Buzz buzz!

Jamie Willis

I wonder what the superintendent would think? maybe he's on it too?

Jamie Willis

Gotta love her she might not love to learn but she's got the smarts in the bedroom ;)


Me. Ed always loves LL every chance he gets

Jamie Willis

I think this is the position I would have loved in my valentine's day commission :/


My Valentine's Day commission would be Lorna in a bridal gown, on her knees with Mr. Ed consummating their vows with a good doggy anal, with a collar on her neck and her leash in his hands.