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I only got 5 of them done for the shorted FanWeek but there is still a few days in April so hopefully I can get another few done.

Only for Lovers and Daddies! Ask Little Lorna a question and she will respond in a drawing! I’m finding I’m more inspired by the ordinary questions because I find it quite a challenge (the good kind of challenge).

Post your questions for her in the comments. If you have multiple questions place them in a separate message.

I’m getting a lot of work done so hopefully this will be the last month I need to pause my Patreon!



Ever been pregnant with twins?


How do you like being served breakfast in bed?

Jamie Willis

What's your ideal date?

Jamie Willis

What do you look for in a man?

Jamie Willis

What colour of eyes do like in a man?

Jamie Willis

What kind of vibrator you into?

Jamie Willis

What you doing for International Women's Day and who do you look up to?


Do you prefer to watch the faces of the guys fucking you or do you prefer to avoid doing so?

Jamie Willis

Like RH's question would you ever like to watch yourself being fucked or you embarressed?


Has there been any need to save money on your household utilities? Thing can be tough and i know sometimes thing need to be done to save money on water or electricity bills.


Do you have any hobbies you practice with your family?


Are you a religious person? Do you go to church on a regular basis?


Who’s your favorite person in the world?


Do you visit your OBGYN on a regular basis? Early detection of conditions is very important!