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For Fanweek this month you can spend your BBs at last.  I am limiting BB slot openings (omg... sexual innuendo inception galore) to three this week.


I've updated the BB commission prices.  After long deliberation, my original math was wrong and I was charging far too little for commissions which are normally around $50-$60 for pencils and $80-$100 finished art (2 characters).

I hope this isn't too upsetting for people but I hope you understand that paying myself $6-$7/hour to do a commission is killing me.  I end up thinking all of the time if I should be doing Patreon at all or invest that time in my business which pays me 5X-10X that amount!  I'm not all about the money but earning $6/hr for too long and I will be working at McDonalds.

I hope you understand!

So... the new pricing structure is:

24 BB - Three word SFW SEXY PENCIL SKETCH A personal digital pencil art of your choice of a single character showing off herself.  This can be one of my characters or maybe fan art of a character you admire!  You are only allowed three words to describe it and watch the magic happen!  (Little Lorna is one word by the way!).  Some SFW sketches may be turned into fully finished coloured prints to be purchased with BB.

36 BB - NSFW PENCIL SKETCH A personal digital pencil art of your choice!  Since love is better in pairs, this includes two characters.  Any additional primary characters with interaction are 24BB each (eg. a menage trios would be 30).  No backgrounds or complex props.

24 BB - INK AND COLOR A PREVIOUS SKETCH Is there a sketch that you really would like to see finished in ink and colors fit for print or to use as background art?  This can include any of the sketches for requests, commissions, diary drawings or comic book panels.


Each month I will drawing a SFW sexy pinup of a character which you can purchase an 8X10 or 11X17 print for.  You can vote for as many as you like.  Winner will get drawn and will be for sale every month (starting when the printer arrives!).  You can select as many as you like!



Can I put my hat in for a BB commission?


Yes. Let me know what you’d like. This is the place for it!

Jamie Willis

I hope you seen my message on Discord Julia :)


I have no idea that the Chief's had a sexy indian princess, but I'd have to move from Kansas City if I didn't vote for her! Of course, any babe from your buddy, JAB ....

Jamie Willis

I was thinking that Valentines Day idea I had where I'm holding LL up and licking Nutella off her breasts whilst she Happy Valentines day or something hot and could you colour in that Happy Birthday commission from last September or just do the Valentines Day one then maybe colour in when you can?