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I know its not FanWeek yet but I had this drawing 90% done with just Dimension C-132 Rick and Summer to be added before I got commission burn out.

This idea and the dialogue is by Avery McCreedy!  I wasn't sure how I was going to do this but I changed Avery's idea around little making Summer kind of "meh" rather then being turned on.

Being a GenXer, its really funny the casual attitude young people have with sex.  Its not that they have tons of casual sex like we did in the 80's but they really do not care for it very much or the subject isn't as taboo.  I guess its all that internet!  Teen boys these days are so burnt out by sex on the internet and they are so distracted by video games, youtube and TikTok they just don't really chase girls.  Must be a rough time to be a horny teenage girl!

I'm really happy how both of the Summers turned out despite the fact they are supposed to look exactly like each other (although Jerry and Rick looks like crap!)

I'm kind of stalled on the Corporal Punishment comic.  I'm sort of in a crossroads in the story where the boys are supposed to join in... but this would require a lot of characters all tangled up with each other which is sort of a daunting task right now.

I may start up fan week a little early to get some breathing room with this comic and because I had a special request for someone for their birthday!

The next two comics I REALLY want to get started on that I have been thinking about for a while now.  One is the Back To The Future parody and the other was the friends on Samir's Yacht.  In order to do the latter, I had to introduce Holly.


ALL $10+ supporters get your requests in!!  I'll make a separate post for that.



Jamie Willis

Love the Rick and Morty commissions Summer is one hot piece of ass


Fantastic! Thanks Julia!