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"Facebook suggested a route for me to jog and it took me straight though a kind of slum that my friends call "The Hood".  I was there once with Luke and with all of the screaming, cat calls and gunfire, it pretty tough to get a peaceful jog."

"So, I put on my noise cancelling headphones, crank up some ACDC and the world just melts away!"

"er... then again, it was probably not a good idea to drown yourself in music when you're bouncing through a tough neighbourhood at 11pm."

-Little Lorna

Seriously, part of the FUN of drawing Little Lorna is that in society there are SO many rules for girls.  I mean TONS of them but part of the fun is Little Lorna just abandoning all social convention due to nativity and ignorance as well as the total abandonment of general respect of those around her.

These comics are not a fantasy based on a "wouldn't it be nice..." like Star Trek or "this is the result of..." like a post-apocolypse movie but a bonkers kind of universe in of our heroine Little Lorna.  Just so much fun to find an universal social convention and totally abandon it!



Jamie Willis

This going to be a diary entry or could be?


Happy bouncing!


With those titties bouncing and that tight ass shaking, is it any wonder she gets banged by a bunch of black guys?


I love this ougit. Its the one with the blue and yellow, right?


Normally girls would only wear this kind of outfit in the gym or at Yoga… I guess it was a laundry day!


Jogging with a over a liter of cum in her belly.