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I hope everyone is having a great summer so far!  This summer is getting to be super busy with work as some big orders are coming in.  Its really nice to get lots of drawing done early in the morning and I actually have a difficult time trying to stop myself as I need to get some REAL work done.

I'm thinking through the Back To The Future spin off and I'm wondering what kind of crazy time machine Dr. Hoff makes?  I want to keep it a vehicle.  Maybe a creepy van?  A motorcycle?  Keep it with an automobile?

If its an automobile its gotta be a junky or weirdo car.  Like a El Camino or a beetle.

I also want to do the next part of Women's Work where she becomes a Cam-Girl with the help of Luke.  I really want to do another Luke comic.  I really like their special love/hate relationship and it is so much fun to write.  Also... there is a follow up to Women's Studies where the friends hand out of Samir's yacht in the Caribbean.  I also almost want to start another series of the Littles on family vacation!  I don't have a story but I really want to draw Little Lorna in a Bikini again... well, maybe I can save that for a Diary (which we're DUE for another one!!).  Diary ideas?  Anyone?

Let me know your thoughts of where we are going to go next!  I'll try and speed things up as there's a lot to do before I die 40-50 years from now!!




I appreciate Lorna so much as she's normal size ('cept for her feet ...) I appreciate variety in all things, but don't understand why girls with beach balls strapped to their chests are so alluring to so many. Lorna and her friends make the Three Bears very happy!


Looks like Luke is loosening her up for some major butt fucking, or fisting


Bet LL would love all that fur rubbing on her while they plumb the depths of her psyche


Vehicle? A Hippie VW Van.


Diary? Lorna's first time.


Great suggestion. I actually want to practice a cartoon version of the van!


Probably for legal reason’ s we’ll keep Little Lorna’s first time a secret. ;)


Make it a small camper. It could be funny he has a lab on it, a la breaking bad.


Diary idea: Lorna visiting Japan and going to a bath house, gettling taken advantage of there, having her underwear stolen to be sold at a vending machine, and fucking some businessmen in a capsule hotel.