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Welcome back everyone and a warm welcome to all of my new supporters this month!

I mentioned before that this past week was going to be for FanWeek and I have the next pages for the two flip comics that I'm working on for Wanderer and Tinhy although both of the them happen to be in quite simple parts of the story line so don't expect too much fireworks.  Just a bridge scene before the next really good stuff!

I also got a blueberry girls drawing for Father McCreedy.

So I'm in a weird mood.  I started reading some graphic novels from the library and "Superman/Wonderwomen: Power Couple" caught my eye.  I always liked this pairing but it was a little too thick on action and very thin on romance.  :(

I'm not sure it was my mood but Superman is always sort of a dark character and not the goody two shoes people imagine him to be.  I imagine that just like the movie, he elevates himself to a god and the people love him for his power and brutal use of it.

I imagined that he his obsession with Wonder Women takes a dark turn and despite her disgust with him he takes her as his sex toy.  Anyways.  I guess I had to draw it!

This is just an amuse-bouche.  I will be posting the commissions tomorrow!

I hope everyone is having a great June and keeping safe and remembering to be patient with one another.  We're all very thin on patience these days and some people just need a friendly word, small act of kindness or a smile to get them through the day.




Lovely take on the Superman & WonderWoman team up! I really enjoy sketch art like this, completed enough you know what you're looking at, but far from complete. Very well done!


Im just looking for spa day to heat up


Superman is a tormented soul. The last son of Krypton is a heavy burden - he needs to breed and he needs a harem to breed more. Take the "Just Tits League" and the "Tit Titans", the "Red Lantern Corps", "Young Just Tits" and so on and he might have just enough women to populate a krypton colony...


Just Tits League! Did you come up with that? That's great! Only the most powerful super women can survive Supe's explosive load!