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I'm in a really bad spot right now.  I just got a flood of work that just came in and there's some major construction going on in the house and putting in 4hrs a day to draw is such an impossibility.  By wednesday I should have all of my work caught up and back to drawing which I will have to do ALOT drawing to do to catch up.

I'm especially sorry for the new fans who signed up and was expecting more posts.  This is definitely NOT the norm as I can usually do 2-3 pages a week of the doves comics and I hope that you had a lot of comics to catch up on in the mean time.  I will try to do a post a day at that point.

Okay, to this drawing now... this is the first part of a story that Tinhy has written for Little Lorna as a flip comic (series of drawing commissions).  There will be dialogue and in a higher resolution.  I really love the size difference between Little Lorna and "him".  This is going to be so HOT!




Understandable. It's good to stay employed during these times.


Work on keeping yourself fed and clothed so we can see Little Lorna unclothed


Take your time, breath, we're all here in this with you, all is good. NP


That sucks to hear man. Hope you get back up in production again.


Can't wait for her to feel him inside her :D


Work is way down but it was nice to get to draw more during the summer. Doves was fun distraction.


Thanks. I’m going to try and get the rest I need so I can draw more.