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Cell getting in new troubles!

An old idea that i never finished and a smart person remind it to me ^^ thanks

No nude, sorry,cause patreon count it as bestiality and it's forbidden :




i will post it on my subscribestar when it's done! i have to check their rules first


FYI, SleepyGimp (still) has his home base on subscribestar, and his things are pretty R18. Though he posts the real stuff at dropbox. BTW BILLY, are you moving for good to subscribestar? I'll stick around here, but I'll move if you post more there...


Got you. I'm not able to suggest a solution, and there may not even be one. I see some sites have to change policies due to legislation, but a lot of it also seems to be self-cencorship, for which I don't know the reasons.


It's because of the banking system! Porn is see as a fragile business so the banks refuse to give money to the company working with it!