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BordeauxBlack lent her voice as Chess! <3

Diagora = Princess Lil

Chess (Maternal, sweet, a teensy bit condescending.) = BordeauxBlack

Diagora [Grumpy]: You do this every time! Just because I’m short doesn’t mean I’m a kid! 

Chess [Sweet]: Oh princess, everyone can use an extra hug. And maybe letting your guard down and being a bit of a kid would do you some good. You’ve been about to spit fire since you came in.

Diagora [Angry, Joking]: Hah! I wish! If I was a kid, my father couldn’t marry me off to some lout!

Chess [Cheerful, impressed]: Oh! That’s a wonderful idea! I know the perfect way to get rid of all that nasty stress and keep you from getting married off!

[Chess whispers an incantation while Diagora replies excitedly]: Oh? Really?

[Some droning magical sound effect signifying the magic is cast and affecting Diagora.]

Diagora [A bit nervous]: What kind of spell did you just catch on me? Why am I glowing!?

Chess [Reassuring]: Relax! You’re going to love this! It’ll be a perfect escape for you.

[Diagora’s tiara falls off and clinks against the ground.]

Diagora [Shocked, Angry]: Chess! Are you shrinking me!? Aren’t I short enough already?

Chess [Giggles]: Oh no, I wouldn’t think of it, princess! I’m just helping you out!

[Sound of clothes falling off.]

Diagora [voice becoming squeakier]: Then what is this? H-hey! Chess! This isn’t fair! I can’t even keep my clothes on! If you’re not shrinking me, what are you doing!?

Chess [Giggles]: So impatient! I see why you were in such a rush to grow up! But don’t worry, we’ll make sure to take a lot of time for your second round.

Diagora [Voice becoming more and more child-like]: Second wound? What do you mean? Oh no you’we nowt! How dawe yoou! I’m nowt a chwild!

Chess [Excited little squeal]: Oh you’re just so precious! So cute! Look at you!

Diagora: Waaait twess thwis is--

Chess [Reassuring, maternal]: Oh, my little princess! Let’s stop those words! Come here… Upsie-daisy! Now, don’t you just feel so much better?

Chess: Awwh, still fussy? Well, don’t you worry a cute little dragon scale! Mommy’s going to take good care of you! You’re going to be my specially little princess after all! <3



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