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so i been making son sketches about the possible characters on the project, i want to be some humanoid girls with different skin colors because that way i will be forced to come out of my comfort zone and expand  my already limited color palette

at the beginning i wanted to make the classic races of fantasy like elf orc etc, but that is already too cliche, so i will make my own variations in an attempt to be original haha so this races or species will be more interested on reproduction that in fighting some war for some evil empire like for example , that redd woman over there may look like a demon but she is more like a 2.20 mt toad or a salamander and her milk is toxic, may be a lot of funny things can come out of there haha

i understand that the looks are not that important as the story so i'm working on the lore of all these characters and how the connect to the world i want to build

what do you think? you like these ideas?



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