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Heyo all of you, it's been a while!

There's some cool new progress for Lewd Leaf Land Deluxxx I wanna show!
This update might be a bit of an unexpected one though, since I've ended up altering the course of action for this games development...

In short:
I'm coding the whole game again from scratch, taking it from Gamemaker to the Godot engine, since Godot will better fit the games new features.

A public demo build is available now!
It's a small one-room demo to showcase what Molly's movement will feel like made in Godot.

Some of the most significant new features are:

- new ability to roll
- new ability to climb ladders
- sloped terrain
- gliding gives a bit of extra jump height
- smoother camera

It'll be a fresh take on the Lewd Leaf Land you know!
With all the old stuff intact, but a bit smoother around the edges.
Also I'll have a much easier time fitting all the new ideas and mechanics into the game organically with rebuilding the ground work.

So far this new approach has been lots of fun, and it's sparking a bunch of new ideas on how to make the game even better!

Some of these ideas are:

- A hub world in the shape of a small town that molly lives in, meeting her friends you can dynamically switch to as playable characters
- Unlockable moves, namely the roll, available through collecting enough green leaves and bringing them to a dojo trainer
- A gallery in the shape of Molly's diary, where she revisits her memories of previous events
- More flexible level progression? More collectables to find?

These ideas aren't set in stone as of right now, but they're definitely a fun outlook!

More on the demo build:

For starters I focused on rebuilding Molly as a playable character, Divi's previously announced skating mechanics will be next.
So since I was coding Molly from scratch anyway, I thought I might as well add some spice and make bouncing around with her even more fun!

Her movement has a bunch more options now, and once you get the hang of them you can get into a very nice flow!

Please go ahead and try playing the demo for yourself! - w-)/



Movement - WASD / Arrow Keys
Jump - Space, Y/Z, J
Roll - Shift, X, K

Fullscreen - F
Mute Music - M
Reset - R
Exit - ESC

(Controllers are supported!)




Feels really good to play! :D

Gabe Sparks

hell ya the controls are way more fun can not agree more