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Hey everyone!

let me share some sketches for one of the new characters, Divi aka. DDvine!

The one on the top here is the most complete display of her design, with her skateboard and accessories, featuring her tagging symbol, which forms the shape of an eye from two mirrored Ds.
This sketch is based on the oldest one of her I have available, long before we've decided to expand this project, drawn on paper:

Divi as a character will bring a cool, laid back appearance, while she's much more reserved compared to Molly tho. She likes to explore the depths of the universe through her mind, while being less emotionally open. This is where Molly comes in to loosen her up a bit during their camping trip...

Ingame you'll first skate through an underground section, before arriving in a trippy mushroom themed world where you set up camp.
Here's a paper sketch along with some further realized WIP mockup images:

Also here's some lewds I drew of her...

These should give you some general impressions of her character, I hope you'll like her!

So with that, until next time! =w=/



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