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Heyo, there's some progress for the endgame content!

So your ultimate goal as a male bee is to mate with the bee queen, to keep the colony alive.
You won't get close to her before succeeding at her trials, but once you've made it you'll be allowed access to the queens quarters, shown in this mockup image above.

She will be huge and dangerous at first, but when you win her favour she'll pour some of her freshly squeezed breast honey onto you, which makes you grow into a large buff beeman.

I've gotten started with some animating, and even though it's not done yet I figured I might as well share it.
Some other animations will happen before this one, I'm animating them out of order basically.

Here's the infinite butt wiggle of you know she wants it:

And here's where beeman starts taking action:

Only one frame with the arms right now, there's gonna be more frames later so they don't just pop into existence.

So much about that, seeya later! =w=/




Whooo boi. This looks great!